Specific Conditions...

What should I Expect on my First Visit?

Chiropractic care is designed to help improve your health and alleviate discomfort. On your first visit, you will be examined and treated. It can take an hour. On subsequent visits, you will, always receive your therapies, manipulations, and be able to discuss your case. These visits are strictly optional.

Your special coverage’s in preferred provider groups, HMO’s, PPO’s, and other insurance plans will be addressed by our friendly staff.

Doctors of Chiropractic utilize only natural methods of health care and do not prescribe any medication, give injections, or perform surgery. At Arizona Sun Chiropractic & Rehab we will work closely with many medical doctors. We will refer you to a medical specialist if your condition falls outside the realm of Chiropractic.

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

Doctors of chiropractic utilize adjustments to correct misalignments of your spine. An adjustment is a specific manipulation of the vertebral segments of your spine. The adjustments assist in providing proper biomechanics to help alleviate pain and allow for proper functioning of your spine, neurological elements, associated muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Adjustments may also be performed on the joints of your extremities. Often times shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle injuries require correction of minor misalignments as well.

Benefits of Chiropractic (Spinal) Adjustment (pdf)

Related Research Studies (pdf)

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What other Services do you Provide?

In addition to adjustments, Arizona Sun Chiropractic & Rehab utilizes a wide range of modalities to further assist in your treatment program. Moist heat pads, ultrasound, diathermy, ice, massage, nutritional and core exercise instruction may be utilized by your doctor to assist in your healing.

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What are the Costs?
Is it Covered by my insurance?

Please see Insurance & Fees for more information.

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What should I do if I'm involved in an Accident?

$0 out of pocket expense for accident patients. We will work with the insurance or attorney to settle your bills.

Arizona Sun Chiropractic & Rehab also provides testing and legal documentation for motor vehicle accident injuries to help ensure appropriate settlements.

Whether or not you've been in an accident, we recommend that you read our Accident and Personal Injury Information (pdf).

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What Testing Equipment do you Use?

Arizona Sun Chiropractic uses state-of-the-art wireless computerized neck and back range of motion testing, muscle testing & tender point testing. The system assimilates the examination information and patient’s responses to range of motion, fibromyalgia/tender points, weak muscles and produces multiple professional reports to verify the patients injuries.

With continued testing will substantiate the patients progress throughout the course of treatment. These examination procedures comply and meet the gold standard put forth by the US Federal Governments Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA).

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Do you work in cooperation with my Doctor?

The American College of Surgeons declares that, except as provided by law, there are no ethical or collective impediments to full professional association and cooperation between doctors of chiropractic and medical physicians.
Read Full Statement (pdf)

You may also be interested in our Physician / Non-Physician Comparison (pdf)

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Cost-effectiveness (Chiropractic vs Medical)

A 1997 study conducted by Miron Stano at Michigan's Oakland University compared the costs of health care for patients of medicine and patients of chiropractic. By reviewing the insurance claims paid by patients, Stano found that those receiving chiropractic treatment, either by itself or with medical care, had health-care costs averaging $1,000 less than those receiving medical care alone. Furthermore, patients receiving only chiropractic care paid 30% less in total insurance costs than those under the care of a medical doctor. Similarly, numerous studies show that patients with low back pain who are treated by a chiropractor often avoid thousands of dollars in medical expenses, such as surgery and medication.

Reference: Chapman-Smith, D. The Chiropractic Profession. West Des Moines: NCMIC Group Inc., 2000. Smith, M. and M. Stano. "Costs and Recurrences of Chiropractic and Medical Episodes of Lov Back Care." The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol. 20, No. 1 (1997): 5-1

Patient Satisfaction – A 1989 survey conducted by Dr. Daniel Cherkin and Dr. Frederick MacCornack found that patients receiving care from health maintenance organizations (HMOs) in the state of Washington were three times as likely to report satisfaction with chiropractic care than they were from other health-care providers. Early in the 1990s, a similar study conducted by the Gallup Organization found that 90% of chiropractic patients felt their care was effective. Over 80% were satisfied with their care, and close to 75% felt that their expectations had been met.

Reference: Cherkin, D.C. and F.A. MacCornack. "Patient Evaluations of Low Back Pain from Family Physicians and chiropractors." Western Journal of Medicine, Vol. 151, No. I (July 1989): 83-84.

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Low Back Pain

Low back pain is the most commonly treated condition in the chiropractic profession, accounting for over 65% of patient complaints. Several studies reaffirm that chiropractic care is an effective form of care for low back pain management. In 1993 the Government of Ontario Canada commissioned a report into the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic treatment of lower back pain that concluded overwhelmingly that Chiropractic care was superior. The following year, that report was endorsed by government-sponsored practice guidelines in the US and the UK. Similarly, in 1995, a study published in the British Medical Journal compared the ongoing chiropractic and hospital outpatient management for over 700 patients with low back pain. After three years, those treated by a chiropractor showed an improvement nearly 30% higher than those treated in a hospital.

Reference: Chapman-Smith, D. The Chiropractic Profession. West Des Moines: NCMIC Group Inc., 2000. Hurwitz, E., et al. "Use of chiropractic services from 1985 through 1991 in the United States and Canada." American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 8 (1998): 771-776. Meade, T., et al. "Randomized comparison of chiropractic and hospital outpatient management for low back pain: results from extended follow up." British Medical Journal, Vol. 311 (1995): 349-3 5 1. Manga, P., et al. "The Effectiveness an Cost-Effectiveness of Chiropractic Management of Low Back Pain." Ottawa, Ontario: Pran Manga and (Associates, 1993).

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There are several types of headaches, including migraine, tension and cervicogenic (arising from the cervical spine). Numerous controlled trials now support the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment for all three. In a controlled trial conducted by Macquarie University in Australia, for example, 172 migraine sufferers were treated with spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) for a six-month period. Results showed that over 20% of participants reported a dramatic reduction in the number of migraines experienced after only two months of therapy. Likewise, the majority of participants reported a marked improvement in the severity of their migraine episodes.

Reference: Bonello, R., et al. "A Randomized Controlled Trial of Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Migraine." Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Congress of the World Federation of Chiropractic (1999): 183-184. Bronfort, G., et @g. "'Me Efficacy of Spinal Manipulation, Amitriptyline and the Combination of Both Therapies for the Prophylaxis of Migraine Headache." The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol. 21 (1998): 511-519. Christensen, H.W., et al. "The Effect of Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Cervicogenic Headache." The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol. 20 (1997): 326-330. Boline, P., et al. "Spinal Manipulation vs Amitriptyline for the Treatment of Chronic Tension-Type Headaches." The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol. 18 (1995): 148-154. Parker G.B., et al. "Why Does Migraine Improve during a Clinical Trial? Further Results from a Trial of Cervical Manipulation for Migraine." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, Vol. 10 (I 980): 192-198, Parker G., et al "A Controlled Trial of Cervical Manipulation for Migraine." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, Vol. 8 (1978): 589-593.

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Neck Pain

In recent years, chiropractic treatment of the neck has received a lot of negative attention. However, in the past five years, three major studies have concluded that neck manipulation and mobilization are safe and effective methods of treatment for patients with neck pain. The "Quebec Task Force Report", the "RAND Corporation Report" and the "Cochrane Collaboration Systematic Review" have all produced evidence that neck pain is more effectively managed by chiropractic manipulation than treatments commonly administered by medical professionals.

Reference: Coulter, I., et al. "The appropriateness of manipulation and mobilization of the cervical spine." Santa Monica, California: RAND, 1996. Aker, P., et al. "Conservative management of mechanical neck pain: systematic overview and meta-analysis." British Medical Journal, Vol. 313 (I 996): 1291-1296. Spitzer, W., et al. "Scientific monograph of the Quebec task force on whiplash-associated disorders: redefining whiplash and its management." Spine, Vol. 20 (1995): 85.

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Studies suggest that infantile colic, a persistent crying in otherwise healthy babies, may be attributed t problems in the spine. In a study conducted in Denmark of 316 infants with both colic and some form of spinal disturbance (i.e. limited movement of the back), chiropractic treatment over the course of two weeks resulted in a 94% success rate. In 60% of the infants, the symptoms stopped completely; 34% infants showed significant improvement. In a more recent study, researchers compared the treatment results of two groups of colicky babies, with one group being treated by spinal manipulation and the other by the drug dimethicone. Outcomes were measured in the number of hours the babies cried, as recorded in a diary. During trial days four to seven, babies being treated with spinal manipulation cried 1.4 hours less than those being treated by dimethicone. On days eight through eleven, this number increased to 1.7 hours. The study concluded that spinal manipulation could be an effective treatment in relieving infantile colic.

Reference: Weber, J.M.M., et al. "The Short-Term Effect of Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment o Infantile Colic: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial with a Blinded Observer." Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol. 22, No. 8 (1999). Klougar, N., et al. "Infantile Co [c Treated by Chiropractors: A Prospective Study of 316 Cases." Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol. 12 (1989): 281-288.

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Otitis media (middle ear infection)

Otitis media (OM) is an inflammation of the middle ear caused by complications of colds, sore throat and sinusitis. While chiropractic treatment is not advised for the treatment of OM, in some cases it has been known to prevent chronic cases. A 1992 US study examined a two-year-old girl suffering from chronic OM in both ears, despite several routine treatments with antibiotics. After six months without results, her parents consulted a chiropractor. The first chiropractic examination found that the girl's spine was out of alignment and after an initial treatment to restore the normal range of motion, there was a significant reduction in pain and ear discharge; further treatment brought total relief. Any recurrence, over the next six months were alleviated after chiropractic care and today the girl is free of symptoms. Further studies are now underway to determine whether medical treatment, chiropractic treatment or a combination of both is the most effective method of treatment for patients with OM.

Reference: Fallon, J.M. "The Role of Chiropractic Adjustment in the Care and Treatment of 332 Children with Otitis Media." Journal of clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics, Vol. 2 (1997): 167-183. Froehle, R.M. "Ear Infection: A Retrospective Study Examining Improvement from Chiropractic Care and Analyzing for Influencing Factors." Journal of Manipulative and Physiology Therapeutics, Vol. 19, No. 3 (March-April 1996): 169-177. Phillips, N.J. "Vertebral Subluxation and Otitis Media: A Case Study, Chiropractic." Journal Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation, Vol. 8 (1992): 38-39.

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The 1979 New Zealand Commission of Inquiry into Chiropractic found that chiropractic treatment paired with medical care could be an effective way of managing asthma. The inquiry cites the case of a two-year-old asthmatic whose condition had not been improving under the care of a medical specialist. Upon examination by a chiropractor, it was suggested that the child may have fallen and injured his neck. The chiropractor adjusted the childs back and his symptoms diminished significantly. Since then, studies have shown mixed results in the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment in asthmatic children with some form of spinal dysfunction. While patients have reported relief from symptoms and decreased dependency on medication, rates of peak airflow have shown less improvement.

Reference: Balon, J., et al. "A Comparison of Active and Simulated Chiropractic Manipulation as Adjunctive Treatment for Childhood Asthma." New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 339 (1998): 10 1 3 -1020. Bronfort, G. " Asthma and Chiropractic. " European Journal of Chiropractic, Vol. 44 (1996) 1-7. Hviid, C. "A Comparison of the Effect of Chiropractic Treatment on Respiratory Function in Patients with Respiratory Distress Symptoms and Patients without. Bulletin of the European Chiropractic Union, Vol. 26 (1978): 17-34.

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Enuresis (bed-wetting)

Twenty percent of children between the ages of four and five suffer from bed-wetting. While the causes are not entirely known, chiropractors have reported successful treatment in bed wetters with some form of spinal dysfunction. In an Australian study of 171 children between the ages of four and fifteen, chiropractic treatment alone was found to be more effective than psychotherapy, but less effective than dry bed training methods. Chiropractors believe that combining chiropractic care with other treatment methods, such as fluid restriction, would improve these results significantly.

Reference: LeBoeuf-Yde, C., et al. "Chiropractic Care of Children with Nocturnal Enuresis: A Prospective Outcome Study." The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol. 14 (1991): 110-115

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Pelvic disorders and dysmenorrhea (Painful Menstruation)

In a study published in The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, it was found that variety of gynecological, sexual and bowel disorders may be successfully managed under chiropractic care. The most detailed report cited the case of a 41-year-old woman who had experienced several years of low back and pelvic disorders, including difficulty in urination. After chiropractic examination, it was determined that the woman had a disk herniation in the low back. Adjustment by a chiropractor brought relief from the pain and an end to her urinary problems. Likewise, a study done by the National College of Chiropractic found that chiropractic care has provided relief in patients suffering from dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). Further research on this subject is underway.
Deficient Iodine levels have been linked to Breast and Ovarian Fibrocystic disease and Endometriosis which will cause dysmenorrheal. We offer Iodine saturation testing and Iodine Therapy (Orthoiodosupplementation).

Reference: Browning, J.E. "Chiropractic Distractive Decompression in the Treatment of Pelvic Pain and d Organic Dysfunction in Patients with Evidence of Lower Sacral Nerve Root Compression." The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol. II (I 998): 436-442. Kokjohn, K., et al. "The Effect of Spinal Manipulation on Pain and Prostaglandin Levels in Primary Dysmenorrhea." The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Vol. 15 (1992): 279-285.

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